i look for OWK in search in secondlife made me write this post
In my early days on Secondlife, a freind of mine, Hessa took me
to a place called OWK. Then a wonderfull place and a group with
nice people, the good time did not last very long. The place where
i had a wonderfull time was closed, why i will not discuss here.
The makeover with a second version and the USA trademark could
not make people forget the first OWK. In a way i was happy to hear
that the second OWK closed on SL all that i stayed member of the
group OWK in SL and we had a nice reunion on TMS where old
members saw the movie that floormat made.
of the USA tradmark started a place called OWK museum in wet to
have a look at the place. Nothing did make me feel home, nothing
did remind on a place (the first OWK) that people loved.
When i saw that place i removed my self form OWK in SL group, abit
later i was called in IM by the Owner of the trademark i must remove
all words that had OWK in it on my land and groups.
Today i did go to the place again still a big disapointment please my
freinds remember OWK as it was and sorry if i must say the place and
what on signs has nothing to do with what OWK was and stands for.
Let us remeber this:
The Other World Kingdom (OWK) is a private state,
founded upon the principle of a slave-holding Matriarchal
The OWK is governed on the basic principle that the
WOMAN is always, everywhere and in everything superior
to the male creature.
A WOMAN in the OWK has the undeniable right to own
and use slaves. The OWK is a nation without borders and
may extend its reaches to anywhere on Earth.