One week on a holiday gives me time to do some exploring, secondlife is the
place where you can. I am along time in SL now, and i started to think how do
i beter understand de stuff i put on my slaves, how do they feel when i put
them in bondage? So why not try it out secondlife is teh prefect place for it,
i did find out it was hard to find people that wanted to let you explore but today i did find one and see this is the result.
Don't worry i will not become a slave in secondlife this is for me a nice way
to roleplay and explore more en keep it nice.
Sorry if i hurt people with this post but by seeing where i end up when
i look for OWK in search in secondlife made me write this post
In my early days on Secondlife, a freind of mine, Hessa took me
to a place called OWK. Then a wonderfull place and a group with
nice people, the good time did not last very long. The place where
i had a wonderfull time was closed, why i will not discuss here.
The makeover with a second version and the USA trademark could
not make people forget the first OWK. In a way i was happy to hear
that the second OWK closed on SL all that i stayed member of the
group OWK in SL and we had a nice reunion on TMS where old
members saw the movie that floormat made.
Last year the group OWK in SL came again in the picture the Owner
of the USA tradmark started a place called OWK museum in wet to
have a look at the place. Nothing did make me feel home, nothing
did remind on a place (the first OWK) that people loved.
When i saw that place i removed my self form OWK in SL group, abit
later i was called in IM by the Owner of the trademark i must remove
all words that had OWK in it on my land and groups.
Today i did go to the place again still a big disapointment please my
freinds remember OWK as it was and sorry if i must say the place and
what on signs has nothing to do with what OWK was and stands for.
Let us remeber this:
The Other World Kingdom (OWK) is a private state, founded upon the principle of a slave-holding Matriarchal monarchy.
The OWK is governed on the basic principle that the WOMAN is always, everywhere and in everything superior to the male creature.
A WOMAN in the OWK has the undeniable right to own and use slaves. The OWK is a nation without borders and may extend its reaches to anywhere on Earth.